Study Guide
Field 120: Cantonese CST
Interpretive Listening
Recommendation for individuals using a screenreader: please set your punctuation settings to "most."
Directions for Interpretive Listening Selected-Response Questions
For the Interpretive Listening section of the test, you will listen to audio recordings containing spoken messages in the target language and answer selected-response questions written in the target language based on each message.
For each audio recording, a preview of the test questions associated with the spoken message will be presented on the screen. The audio recording will begin playing automatically. Once the audio recording begins, you will not be able to pause, stop, or replay it.
There will be 90 seconds of silence at the beginning of each audio recording. During these 90 seconds, you should familiarize yourself with the test questions. You may need to scroll down to preview all the questions. You will not be able to select your response choices during this preview.
After the 90 seconds of silence, you will hear a spoken message. Listen carefully. Each spoken message will be played twice. After the spoken message has played twice, move to the next screen to begin answering the questions.
start bold Note that in this section of the test, you can go back to previous screens to review or change your responses to questions. However, you will start uppercase NOT end uppercase be able to replay the audio recordings. end bold
Please be aware that the visual enhancements
cannot be adjusted during the Interpretive Listening section of the test. You must make any desired adjustments now before you select "Next" to begin the Interpretive Listening section. You will not be able to adjust these features again until you have completed this section of the test.
Click the start bold Nextend bold button when you have finished reading these directions and are ready to begin the Interpretive Listening section of the test. Once you advance to the next screen, the first audio recording will start automatically with 90 seconds of silence.
start bold Be sure you have your headset on before proceeding. end bold
Select the start boldNextend bold button to continue.
Sample Interpretive Listening Selected-Response Questions
Competency 0001
Interpretive Listening
start italics [The examinee will see on screen ONLY the following directions:]end italics
start bold The 90 seconds of silence has begun. Below is a preview of the questions related to the recording. Use this period of silence to familiarize yourself with the questions before the spoken message begins. end bold
start italics [Preview versions of the 5 questions appear on the actual test.] end italics
start bold Listen carefully to the dialogue about traveling to Beijing and Guangzhou; then answer the questions. You will hear the dialogue twice. end bold
start italics [The examinee will hear the audio recording below, which includes a 90-second pause at the beginning:] end italics
Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin.Having trouble with the audio player? Right-click and download the .mp3.
start italics [The passage shown below is the transcript used to make the audio recording on the actual test. It is shown here for study purposes only. The examinee will not see transcripts that accompany audio recordings on the actual test.] end italics
Male: 静华,好久冇见。几好吗?
Female: 几好啊,趁住放暑假,同我屋企人去咗中国旅行,探亲。
Male: 咁好吖,去咗乜嘢旅游圣地啊?
Female: 我哋先去咗北京,因为我爸我妈虽然在中国生活咗大半世,但是连中国首都都冇去过,所以我哋去参观咗北京嘅名胜古迹,比如长城、天安门广场、紫禁城。去过先知,原来长城比在书里面同电视喥见到嘅还壮观。
Male: 係咩?一阵间给相片我睇下。有没有试过乜嘢地道嘅美食啊?
Female: 有!第一天,导游就带我哋去食咗北京填鸭。其实我觉得同在美国食嘅差不多。第二天,我哋就去咗王府井步行街,那里人山人海,热闹得不得了,有上百间商店,逛到脚抽筋。而且在街上还有很多小吃,最特别嘅就係串烧,北京人叫做‘串儿’(chuanr),有好多不同的口味,除咗常见嘅烧鸡串、羊串、牛串,还有海星啦、蝎子啦,真係大开眼界!
Male: 係咩?咁你有冇试下?
Female: 没胆试!惊食咗肚痾!所以都係去咗地下广场吃韭菜猪肉水饺,味道还可以,但係我觉得云吞比较啱我口味。
Male: 係啊?咁你哋重去咗边吖?
Female: 我哋在北京玩咗七天后,就搭飞机去咗广州。我细叔和嫲嫲还住在珠江海珠广场附近。我哋在广州只留咗三天,因为我爸工作嘅关系,请唔到咁多日假。我嫲嫲煮咗好多美味嘅粤菜给我们品尝,有我最钟意食嘅咸虾蒸排骨,梅菜炆扣肉,和腐乳炒通菜。临走时重打包咗唔少佢自己晒嘅菜干同虾米给我哋带返来。现在想起,口水都流埋!
Male: 咁有口福啊。听讲广州夏天嘅天气难受到死,又闷又热。
Female: 係啊!所以最好就係夜晚先出门,白天係屋企吹冷气。吃完晚饭,那里啲人都习惯去街散下步,行下逛下,夜生活好丰富㗎。佢哋还习惯吃宵夜,我觉得在广州一定要去吃宵夜,另外 夜晚还可以去饮茶,糖水种类又多,超赞!有空你都应该去中国玩玩!
Male: 听你讲到咁好玩,我都想去啊,明年寒假啦!一齐吗?
Female: 又得啫。
Male: 靜華,好久冇見。幾好嗎?
Female: 幾好啊,趁住放暑假,同我屋企人去咗中國旅行,探親。
Male: 咁好吖,去咗乜嘢旅遊聖地啊?
Female: 我哋先去咗北京,因為我爸我媽雖然在中國生活咗大半世,但是連中國首都都冇去過,所以我哋去參觀咗北京嘅名勝古蹟,比如長城、天安門廣場、紫禁城。去過先知,原來長城比在書裡面同電視喥見到嘅還壯觀。
Male: 係咩?一陣間給相片我睇下。有沒有試過乜嘢地道嘅美食啊?
Female: 有!第一天,導遊就帶我哋去食咗北京填鴨。其實我覺得同在美國食嘅差不多。第二天,我哋就去咗王府井步行街,那里人山人海,熱鬧得不得了,有上百間商店,逛到腳抽筋。而且在街上還有很多小吃,最特別嘅就係串燒,北京人叫做‘串兒’(chuanr),有好多不同的口味,除咗常見嘅燒雞串、羊串、牛串,還有海星啦、蝎子啦,真係大開眼界!
Male: 係咩?咁你有冇試下?
Female: 沒膽試!驚食咗肚痾!所以都係去咗地下廣場吃韭菜豬肉水餃,味道還可以,但係我覺得云吞比較啱我口味。
Male: 係啊?咁你哋重去咗邊吖?
Female: 我哋在北京玩咗七天后,就搭飛機去咗廣州。我細叔和嫲嫲還住在珠江海珠廣場附近。我哋在廣州只留咗三天,因為我爸工作嘅關係,請唔到咁多日假。我嫲嫲煮咗好多美味嘅粵菜給我們品嚐,有我最鍾意食嘅咸蝦蒸排骨,梅菜炆扣肉,和腐乳炒通菜。臨走時重打包咗唔少佢自己曬嘅菜乾同蝦米給我哋帶返來。現在想起,口水都流埋!
Male: 咁有口福啊。聽講廣州夏天嘅天氣難受到死,又悶又熱。
Female: 係啊!所以最好就係夜晚先出門,白天係屋企吹冷氣。吃完晚飯,那裡啲人都習慣去街散下步,行下逛下,夜生活好豐富㗎。佢哋還習慣吃宵夜,我覺得在廣州一定要去吃宵夜,另外夜晚還可以去飲茶,糖水種類又多,超讚!有空你都應該去中國玩玩!
Male: 聽你講到咁好玩,我都想去啊,明年寒假啦!一齊嗎?
Female: 又得啫。
start bold Now you will hear the dialogue again. end bold
start italics [The examinee will hear the dialogue again.] end italics
start bold Now answer the questions. end bold
start italics [The examinee will see on screen ONLY:]end italics
start bold Click "Next" when the recording ends
to answer the questions. end bold
start italics [Each of the following 5 screens on the actual test will present a single item for the examinee to answer.] end italics
- 看望亲人
看望親人 - 工作
工作 - 学习做菜
學習做菜 - 买东西
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: A. This question requires examinees to identify explicit and relevant information in a spoken message. In the dialogue, the female speaker clearly states that she visited her relatives in China during summer vacation (几好啊,趁住放暑假,同我屋企人去咗中国旅行,探亲 / 幾好啊,趁住放暑假,同我屋企人去咗中國旅行,探親).
- 人像山一样大
人像山一樣大 - 人像海一样大
人像海一樣大 - 人像山和海一样大
人像山和海一樣大 - 人很多
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: D. This question requires examinees to determine the meaning and nuances of words and phrases as they are used in spoken messages, including commonly used idiomatic expressions, figurative language, and common colloquial and culturally authentic expressions. In the idiomatic expression "人山人海," the mountain and ocean are used figuratively to mean "many people." The female speaker uses the expression when talking about the crowd on Wangfujing Street, a famous shopping area (我哋就去咗王府井步行街,那里人山人海,热闹得不得了,有上百间商店/ 我哋就去咗王府井步行街,那里人山人海,熱鬧得不得了,有上百間商店).
- 韭菜猪肉水饺
韭菜豬肉水餃 - 北京烤鸭
北京烤鴨 - 烧烤串儿
燒烤串兒 - 云吞
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: C. This question requires examinees to determine an assumption, an intent, a perspective, or a point of view by analyzing the communicative strategies and social and cultural contexts of a spoken message. The excitement with which the female speaker talks about barbecue kebabs suggests that she was fascinated with this dish while she was in Beijing: "最特别嘅就係串烧,北京人叫做‘串儿’(chuanr),有好多不同的口味,除咗常见嘅烧鸡串、羊串、牛串,还有海星啦、蝎子啦,真係大开眼界!/ 最特別嘅就係串燒,北京人叫做‘串兒’(chuanr),有好多不同的口味,除咗常見嘅燒雞串、羊串、牛串,還有海星啦、蝎子啦,真係大開眼界!"
- 一大早起床去饮茶
一大早起床去飲茶 - 白天去商场吹冷氣
白天去商場吹冷氣 - 下午去逛街散步
下午去逛街散步 - 晚上去吃宵夜
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: D. This question requires examinees to determine the ways in which a speaker's point of view or perspectives are influenced by the cultural perspectives that underlie the cultural products and practices of the target country or countries, including the arts, architecture, historical events, science, influential individuals, or the political, economic, social, intellectual, or geographic contexts of the target language and culture(s). In the dialogue, the female speaker explains that Guangzhou nightlife is particularly vibrant in the summer, when it is too hot to do anything during the day. She explains that people enjoy going for walks at night to visit shops and to have tea and dessert (我觉得在广州一定要去吃宵夜 / 我覺得在廣州一定要去吃宵夜).
- 小苏准备下年暑假去中国旅游。
小蘇準備下年暑假去中國旅遊。 - 佢哋下年寒假一齐去中国旅游。
佢哋下年寒假一齊去中國旅遊。 - 小苏对去中国旅游冇乜嘢兴趣。
小蘇對去中國旅遊冇乜嘢興趣。 - 静华会春节的时候回中国。
- Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded
- Correct Response: B. This question requires examinees to make inferences or draw conclusions based on the context, situation, and information given in a spoken message. At the end of the dialogue, the male speaker says that everything that the female speaker has said sounds fun, and that he wishes to visit China himself, possibly for his next winter vacation. He asks the female speaker if she would like to go with him "听你讲到咁好玩,我都想去啊,明年寒假啦!一齐吗? / 聽你講到咁好玩,我都想去啊,明年寒假啦!一齊嗎?," and she agrees. Therefore, it is very likely that the two speakers will make plans to travel to China together.